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  • To be poor, ugly and, moreover, intelligent, condemns one, in our society, to a dark and disillusioned life, a condition one ought to accept at an early age. To beauty, all is forgiven, even vulgarity. Intelligence no longer seems an adequate compensation for things – some sort of balancing of the scales offered by nature to those less favored among her children – no, it is a superfluous plaything that exists only to enhance the value of a jewel. As for ugliness, it is guilty from the start, and I was doomed by my tragic destiny to suffer all the more, for I was hardly stupid.

    Speaker: Muriel Barbery
    Source: the Elegance of the Hedgehog
    1 (1 vote)
    Posted: 23 Jun 2009 at 7:45 PM
    Posted By: Puck
    Tags: beauty, society