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Browsing Quotes By Blake and Ted

  • [10:08:38 AM] Blake Stevenson: is there a difference between cray and craw fish
    [10:09:14 AM] Ted Southard: crawfish are seasoned and tasty. crayfish are insolent and surly

    Speaker: Blake and Ted
    Source: Skype talk about cray cray and crayfish
    1 (1 vote)
    Posted: 28 Jun 2013 at 8:12 AM
    Posted By: WillPwn4Food
    Shared By: 2 members; oursojeri, WillPwn4Food
  • [4:00:41 PM] *** ake Stevenson has changed the conversation topic to “Pssst- Ted eats DICKS” ***
    [4:00:54 PM] *** Ted Southard has changed the conversation topic to “Pssst- Blake eats DICKS” ***
    [4:01:01 PM] *** Blake Stevenson has changed the conversation topic to “Pssst- TED eats DICKS” ***
    [4:01:13 PM] *** Ted Southard has changed the conversation topic to “Pssst- TED eats Blake’s FACE” ***
    [4:01:14 PM] *** John Rockefeller has changed the conversation topic to “Oh you guys” ***
    [4:01:27 PM] *** Ted Southard has changed the conversation topic to “Oh you guys, Blake eats dicks” ***
    [4:01:40 PM] Ted Southard: this should be a mobile app
    [4:01:48 PM] *** Blake Stevenson has changed the conversation topic to “Oh you guys, teds mom eats Blake’s dick” ***
    [4:02:11 PM] *** Ted Southard has changed the conversation topic to “Oh you guys, Blake eats spiderman’s web shooter” ***
    [4:03:18 PM] *** Blake Stevenson has changed the conversation topic to “Blake has no response” ***

    Speaker: Blake and Ted
    Source: Skype wars starting with a thing about blake not wearing pants in the office
    1 (1 vote)
    Posted: 13 May 2013 at 2:13 PM
    Posted By: WillPwn4Food
    Tags: funny-skype
  • [4:30:39 PM] Blake Stevenson: just need some advil
    [4:30:45 PM] Blake Stevenson: ill be goon in no time
    [4:30:55 PM] Ted Southard: you’re always goon
    [4:31:17 PM] *** Ted Southard has changed the conversation topic to “It’s okay, I’m goon” ***

    Speaker: Blake and Ted
    Source: Skype, when Blake complained of having a "bad ass headache"
    1 (1 vote)
    Posted: 10 Apr 2013 at 2:35 PM
    Posted By: WillPwn4Food